Bimbingan Teknis Penulisan Artikel untuk Jafung

Sebagai Pejabat Fungsional (Jafung) Teknik Tata Bangunan dan Perumahan, saya diundang untuk mengikuti Bimbingan Teknis (Bimtek) Penulisan Artikel di Bandung oleh Subdirektorat Pengelolaan Jafung Bidang Permukiman dan Pengembangan Profesi Kementerian PUPR pada 30-31 Mei 2022 lalu.

Meski sehari-hari berkutat dengan kunjungan lapangan dan pemantauan progres pekerjaan, sebagai Jafung kami juga dituntut untuk bisa menulis – entah karya ilmiah maupun tulisan populer di bidang Permukiman – sebagai salah satu bentuk pengembangan profesi kami sebagai Jafung.

Dari Bimtek ini, ada beberapa poin penting yang saya catat dari Narasumber kami, yaitu:

Tulislah fakta, bukan isu.

Saat ini, berita palsu (fake atau false news / hoax) banyak sekali beredar. Apalagi dengan kemajuan teknologi di mana berita apapun dan dari manapun bisa kita akses melalui ponsel pintar kita. Sebagai konsumen berita digital, kitalah yang bisa mengontrol apa saja yang bisa kita konsumsi. Bijaklah dalam menggunakan ponsel pintar.


Dalam tulisan, sebaiknya kita memasukkan unsur 5w1h, yaitu what, when, where, why, and how. Dengan begitu, pembaca bisa mencerna ide kita secara utuh.

Judul yang menarik

Judul merupakan “jendela” menuju tulisan kita. Buatlah judul yang menarik seperti iklan, namun tetap relevan dengan isi. Menurut Narasumber, buatlah maksimal sembilan huruf sebagai judul.


Tulisan yang mengalir bermula dari kerangka yang benar. Sejak awal kita harus menentukan kerangka pemikiran kita (meskipun merupakan tulisan populer, karena karya ilmiah memiliki pakem-pakemnya sendiri). Saya pribadi selalu membuat kerangka umum berupa pembukaan, badan teks, dan penutup. Badan teks ini pun dapat kita sesuaikan dengan jumlah ide yang akan kita bahas di tulisan. Misal, saya punya dua ide maka saya akan membahasnya dalam dua paragraf. Sebaiknya tulis saja semua idemu tanpa beban dalam bentuk tulisan meskipun masih kacau balau. Jangan pernah menyunting tulisan sebelum semua ide kita curahkan dalam bentuk tulisan.


Setelah semua ide tercurah dalam tulisan, saatnya menyunting. Menyunting ini bisa kita lakukan dengan menyisir kembali tulisan dari awal sampai akhir. Biasanya di tengah-tengah kita akan merasa, “sepertinya ada ide yang terlalu general”, atau “tampaknya kalimat ini lebih baik di awal/akhir saja”, dan sebagainya. Usahakan menulis dengan kalimat aktif. Jika kita sudah merasa tulisan kita mengalir, maka finishing touch-nya adalah mengecek typo, pengecekan huruf miring untuk bahasa asing, dan sebagainya. Menurut Narasumber, tulisan yang enak dibaca itu adalah tulisan dengan kalimat mengalir, luwes dan tidak membuat pembaca pusing meskipun substansinya berat.


Tentukan punchline-mu! Kalau dalam stand-up comedy sih biasanya punchline adalah kalimat yang paling lucu yang bikin audiens ketawa. Nah, dalam tulisan kurang lebih mirip. Punchline adalah kalimat-kalimat ‘nendang’ yang bikin orang berkata “wow” saat membaca. Versinya ada banyak, ada yang berupa ringkasan dari isi tulisan kita, bisa berbentuk deskriptif, bisa menggoda, bisa merupakan pertanyaan, dan lainnya.

Nah, itulah beberapa poin yang saya dapatkan dari Bimtek ini. Di Bimtek ini, Narasumber juga meminta peserta untuk menulis sebuah artikel singkat (maksimal satu halaman A4) dengan tema “Smart Living di Masa Pandemi”. Alhamdulillah, tulisan saya masuk sepuluh besar tulisan terbaik dari ratusan Jafung yang ikut serta. Tulisan saya difasilitasi Narasumber untuk dimuat di dua media daring (dan kabarnya, otw media cetak) dan dapat dilihat di tautan berikut:

Silakan bagikan tulisannya jika bermanfaat. Terima kasih dan semangat menulis!

Lumayan, dapet suvenir dari Panitia 🙂 (Dok. Pribadi)


My colleague Yarsi and I had a chance to visit South Kalimantan (or Borneo, if you will) this week on a business trip. We conducted another routine visit to monitor on-going infrastructure projects in the province and at the same time joining a mutual check zero – the first site visit where all stakeholders come together to adjust the plans and drawings to the actual site – to some school sites.

After the first day visit to two school sites in nearby regencies, we headed to Loksado, a sub district in South Hulu Sungai Regency which located approximately 4-hour drive from the capital city. On our way to Loksado, it was already dark and the track we passed by was torturous it made me sick – added worse condition to my body after catching early morning flight to Banjarbaru. At 8 pm, we arrived at the resort where we will stay for one night. It was located in the river bank and in the foot of Meratus Mountains – home to the community of Dayak Meratus (or Dayak Kaharingan as some people call them). The surroundings were so serene with only insects shouting at each other and dogs barking.

In order to reach the resort area, we had to cross a wooden suspension bridge by foot. Once we arrived, we were greeted by the headmaster of the school that we are going to visit the next day and had supper together. Little did I know that the area we stayed in is one of the most favorite spots for nature goers to do bamboo rafting, hiking, and alike.

One of our colleagues from the local office reconfirmed us to stay in one cottage per person to maintain maximum health protocol.

“So, one house is only for one person?”, as I starred at the single cottages stand from afar.

“Yes. As per your request. But you can have a look before deciding,” he replied.

We checked one cottage. There are one queen-sized bed and one single bed located at the end of each corner, and one bathroom with no amenities at all. The cottage is constructed as a full wooden stilt house.

“Errr, what if we stayed together in one cottage?” Yarsi asked me.

“With no doubt.” I replied.

We put all of our bags inside and realized that I was freezing. I checked the weather on my phone and it was 19 degrees. It was the same degree as Auckland that day. Even if it was cold as fuck, I had no choice but to shower because I felt so stink after the site visits.

The bathroom has no covering on the upper window as it was let loose to the nature. I carefully test the water from the shower and it was damn cold. The insects were still there shouting and I heard them clearly as if they were there inside the bathroom with me.

“This area is mystical,” I suddenly remember one of our local colleagues told us a moment before we headed to the cottage.

I turned around, still under the shower, and facing the upper window. I was frozen, not only by the water, but by seeing something – or someone – waved at me in the darkness.

I hate this.


“It is ok, it won’t bite.” he said, when passed me a sea snake.

“How do you know it won’t?” I asked him.

He didn’t answer, just stood there and watched me freaking out.


When we meet local, trust them. When we talk to them, do not underestimate them or be a-know-it-all, because they were born and live side by side with the nature and they know how to react when it comes to natural signs. We, who need to learn a lot from them, no matter how high your education level is. Because here, in the East, wisdom is considered higher than knowledge. So, if we still think that being smart is important, we are wrong. Being wise is.

👨in the frame: local boy who were the “co-captain” of our rental boat to Pulau Ular. He has six pack stomach, for your information 😜

#bima #westnusatenggara (at Pulau Ular Wera)


Negara kita lebih sering menghukum warga daripada mendidik mereka menjadi warga negara yang baik.

Parwoto – Pakar perumahan rakyat; HUD Institute
dalam talk show “Pembiayaan Inovatif untuk Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Informal” di acara Pekan Inovasi Sains dan Teknologi Litbang 2016

My parents always told me not to play outside when the sun going down without explaining the reason why. I was questioning why it is prohibited, then it just slowly became doctrine. I found many versions of answers–scientific explanation and even credo. Thus I grew up adoring sunrise and not even blink an eye for sunset. Until yesterday.

The picture was taken when my colleagues and I had our “sunset supper” in the reclamation land of Boulevard area in the heart of Manado 🌅🌅🌅

#manado #northcelebes (at Tuna House Kawasan Mega Mall)


Kami menggoyangkan langit, menggempakan darat dan menggelorakan samudera agar tidak jadi bangsa yang hidup hanya dari 2.5 sen sehari. Bangsa yang kerja keras, bukan bangsa tempe, bukan bangsa kuli. Bangsa yang rela menderita demi pembelian cita-cita. S


This statue stands in the gate of Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng.

#soekarno #hatta #statue (at Soekarno-Hatta Uluslararası Havalimanı)


I would have a much more comfortable life just sitting in a studio in the country. But I wanted to be involved in building in the city; I wanted to contribute to daily life with all its idiosyncrasies and difficulties.

Hans Hollein

Austrian architect